School Calendar
The Calder School operates on a 4-day school week and has for many years. The 4-day school week benefits our students, teachers, and families by allowing time during the week for medical appointments and other engagements without negatively impacting student or teacher attendance and while still attaining the state required seat time for students. Furthermore, staff can participate in meetings and professional development on Fridays rather than meeting before or after school.
The Avery School District values our time with our students and takes great pride in the professionalism of our staff and the academic achievements of our students; the District also recognizes the importance of staff and students spending time with their loved ones outside of school. Therefore, Calder School students begin school each year in September after Labor Day and are released for the summer before the Memorial Day holiday in May. Students and teachers get a significant summer break to reflect, relax, and revive prior to the start of the next school year.
In order for students to get the most out of their time in school between September and May, students are in session roughly one Friday per month.
Bell Schedule
8:30 Optional Breakfast
8:45 School Begins
10:15 - 10:30 Morning Break
12:00 - 12:45 Lunch
2:30 - 2:45 Afternoon Break
4:00 School Release
Calder Weather Station