Planning for the Future
Safety Team
It is of utmost importance to the Avery, Calder, Clarkia School District to keep our staff and students safe. It is a priority of ours to create a safe educational environment with thorough safety procedures in place that will best protect the people on our campus.
To accomplish this, the District has organized a Safety Team composed of representatives of each of the following groups: teachers, school board trustees, parents, community members, and emergency personnel. Together we are determining the best procedures for keeping everyone safe in an emergency situation.
The Safety Team meets quarterly to discuss the current state of student and staff safety, the current procedures in place, and recommendations for future planning and training to enhance safety in our district. The Safety Team is working to develop a comprehensive safety plan that includes school safety measures, emergency response procedures, and reunification plans using district, community, and county personnel and resources.
Leadership TeamThe Avery School District has an active and committed Leadership Team composed of teachers and the administrator. The Leadership Team meets every month to set schoolwide goals, review progress towards goals, revise plans to attain goals, and improve practice among other topics.
Schoolwide Improvement PlanThe Schoolwide Improvement Plan can be obtained by requesting a copy from the District Office.
Strategic Planning
The Calder School has been identified as a CSI-UP school.